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Kyrgyz Republic
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 3 (Bishkek-Osh Road) Improvement Project, Phase 4
For the civil works contracts as defined in the FIDIC General Conditions of Contract. e.Gen will continue to assist MOTR, the Executive Agency (EA) for the Project and the Employer for various key tasks.

Feasibility Study on Smart Energy System
The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA), Mongolia; smart energy system for Mongolia, will support the country’s energy policy to promote renewable energy power generation and to maintain the power grid stability in Mongolia through studies to transform the existing national power grid to a smart grid using innovative technologies and practices.

Capacity development for renewable energy investment programming and implementation-1, Solar PV Power investment plan
Since the Government of Bangladesh has set a target of achieving 10% of power generation renewable energy by 2021 and with Bangladesh showing an enormous potential in solar energy, this feasibility study project will assess the potential of floating solar photovoltaic power generation in Bangladesh.

Gender analysis for WECARE Program
in Bangladesh
The western economic corridor and regional enhancement (WECARE) program, which is a 10-year program, will take an economic corridor approach. It will upgrade 260KM of a major highway in the western region of the country, this way is conceived as "spine" of the economic corridor.

Palm oil industry supply chain development prgram
The primary objective of the Abia State palm oil industry supply chain development program was to improve value addition by increasing competitiveness of MSMEs in the palm oil production by identifying constraints which when addressed will result in significant and sustainable impact

Equipping youth for employment (EYE) Project-Project implementation consulting service
This project aims to help Myanmar strengthen its education and and skills base, supporting Myanmar's transition toward a modern, market based economy, and promoting inclusive growth and job creation, In Particular, it will advance national reforms of the secondary Education Subsector (SES)

Institutionalizing Gender Equality Practices in
the Local Government Engineering Department
The technical assistance (TA) project will help build the capacity of the Bangladesh Local Engineering Department (LGED) as well as of four infrastructure agencies, namely, the Bangladesh Railway, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB), Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Aughority (DWASA) and Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (KWASA).

Inclusive Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development Projects-Institutional and Legal Enhancement Consultancy
e.Gen as lead firm has carried out his USD 1.4 M, 2 year assignment which involved successful operationalization of an MSME development program inculding a network of 7 BDSCs and 2 Business incubator program with matching grant facilities

Viet Nam
Vietnam Bac Ai Pump Storage Hydropower Project: 2023 Supplementary Environmental & Social Studies
The Bac Ai PSHP Project has been classified as a potentially high-risk project and consequently requires that the environmental and social documentation be compliant with the World Bank standards and made available before loan approval.

Theory of Change: Insight from the Education Reform in Viet Nam
5 min read
One of the major key strategies of Vietnam to achieve further economic growth was the modernization of its overall education system. In the current Socio-economic development strategy for 2011-2020 of Vietnam, major emphasis is put on the education sector.

Paving the Way for the Marginalized in the Maldives
3 min read
The Maldives economy is constrained by a combination of binding factors, such as geographical isolation, small population, limited infrastructure, and a multitude of inefficiencies that increase the cost of doing business and reduce profitability and growth.
Sectors of Expertise
Projects executed by e.Gen primarily concentrates on high-growth potential sectors having significant impact in socio-economic development. The following sections provide further details on each of the sectors


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