ADB TA-9376 MON: Supporting the Development of an Education Sector Master Plan - Consulting Firm (51103-001)
Country: Mongolia
Name of Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Value: USD US$ 293,000
The Government of Mongolia has requested a technical assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to develop a long-term plan for the education sector that clearly maps the road toward the goals in Mongolia’s Sustainable Development Vision 2030 (the Vision 2030).
The TA aims to strengthen planning and management of the education system in Mongolia through the following three outputs that correspond to three phases of ESMP development:
(i) Output 1: Management and coordination mechanisms for ESMP development established (Phase I).
(ii) Output 2: In-depth education sector studies and reviews of international experience and lessons completed (Phase II).
(iii) Output 3: ESMP and expenditure framework developed (Phase III).
(a) a rapid assessment of institutional arrangements and capacity for the education sector.
(b) detailed workplan for the development of an ESMP and expenditure framework which incorporated feedback from meetings and workshops.
(c) review of laws, regulations, policies, and plans for the education sector from the early 2000s onwards; past, ongoing, and future operations and activities of development partners in the education sector from the 2010s onwards; annotated lists of studies and assessments on Mongolia’s education sector and global study reports with a summary of each study, assessment and report; lists of education statistics and data, and data gaps; and which incorporated feedback from meetings and workshops;
d) TOR for the core and sub-technical teams which incorporated feedback from meetings and workshops.
(e) presentation and other meeting and workshop materials, minutes, or proceedings.
(f) TOR for a national education survey firm which incorporated feedback from meetings and workshops
(g) presentation and other training and seminar materials, records of training and seminars.
(h) reports of nationwide education sector surveys which incorporated feedback from meetings and workshops.
(i) presentation and other meeting and workshop materials, minutes, or proceedings in relation to studies, assessments and reviews conducted by the core and sub-technical teams, and priority policy and reform actions, physical investments, institutional capacity development, and their sequencing identified.