Fiduciary Risk Assessment for Bangladesh
Department for International Development (DFID)
Finance and Risk
Project Description
Preparing the Fiduciary Risk Assessment (FRA), building on previous national-level FRA’s conducted in June 2007 and March 2006, and the Public Expenditure and Accountability (PEFA) assessment from November 2006.
Become thoroughly conversant with DFID guidance on managing fiduciary risk;
Become thoroughly conversant with the findings and conclusions of existing diagnostic materials, including the World Bank’s latest (draft) Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (PEIR);
Understand the PFMA system in Bangladesh and identify and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses;
Assess the overall level of fiduciary risk, including the risk of corruption and the credibility of existing reform programmes;
Record analysis of the PFMA system and of fiduciary risk within the prescribed DFID FRA format;
Suggest possible short term safeguards where risks are not adequately addressed in existing reform programmes and set out pros and cons of using them;
Outline the options for monitoring future performance.