Infrastructure PPPs: PPP Training Content & Curriculum Development and Training of Trainers
The World Bank
Transport and Infrastruture
Project Description
The broad objectives of the assignment are to assist the Department of Economic Affairs to: (a) develop curriculum and content for courses aimed at enhancing core PPP skills among staff working across a variety of functional areas (b) train a cadre of trainers to teach the course content and curriculum.
The specific objectives of the assignment are to: i. Assess PPP Capacity Building Needs ii. Assess Current Training Supply in India iii. Suggest appropriate tools for meeting the identified training needs iv. Develop curriculum and content for PPP courses v. Train the Trainers.
Training needs assessment: Identifying and defining gaps between ideal and actual performance and specifying the cause of the gaps.
Curriculum development: Defining and developing the courses required to attain a target level of proficiency for a particular group
Training materials development: Preparing written learning or instructional materials such as lesson plans, instruction guides, manuals, workshop guides or fact sheets.
Training delivery: Presenting information and directing structured learning experience so that individuals learn; or moderating/facilitating the learning process.
Training media development: Designing and preparing aids and devices needed for effective instruction.
Training evaluation: Identifying the extent, impact or attainment of training objectives.