Tariff Reform Study and Preparation of Electricity Tariff for Consumers of Palli Bidyut Samitites (PBSs) under Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB)
Rural Electrification Board (REB); The World Bank
Power and Energy; Finance and Risk
2018 – Ongoing
Project Description
Assessment of cost of electricity service delivery, tariff study and preparation of electricity tariff for consumers of Palli Bidyut Samitites (PBSs) under Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB). The study is financially supported by the International Development Association (IDA) through a Credit to BREB.
The assignment contains the following requirements:
The Revenue Requirement determination will follow BERC regulations.
The consultant shall review current tariff methodologies and gain an appreciation and clarify the structures and philosophy adopted.
PBS tariffs will be calculated based on rate base, depreciation, debt servicing and return on investment. Any cross subsidies shall be incorporated in a clear and transparent manner. Best practices shall be considered.
The tariff calculation shall be based on the premises of affordability, social impacts, and the ability of groups of consumers (especially commercial and industrial) to cross-subsidize residential consumers.
A roadmap shall be developed for subsidy elimination over a reasonable period of time.