Public Financial Management Reform Project Strengthening Budget Preparation:
a) Developing Sector Strategies b) Improving methodology of Investment Project Preparation and Evaluation, Capacity Building
Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Finance
USD 577,300
The PFP Project was meant to strengthen budget execution and control, improve transparency and accountability in the mobilization and use of public resources and build capacity for improved public financial management. Cross-cutting reforms in PFM would be addressed at the national level and extended where necessary and appropriate to the sub-national system. The aim was to strengthen budget formulation, execution and control, improve public financial reporting, strengthen public procurement and develop capacity in PFM. The activities included the Development of a National Implementation Manual and sector specific standard bidding documents based on overall laws.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
Develop detailed sector strategies.
Strengthen investment project preparation and appraisal.
Strengthen investment project preparation and appraisal.
e.Gen undertook the following tasks to fulfill the above mentioned services:
Convene strategic planning teams and investment project planning team.
Review existing studies, plans and templates.
Draft Strategic Plan outline and Investment Project template and evaluation process
Workshops to discuss outlines.
Draft Strategic Plan
Workshop to review Draft Deliverables
Finalize Draft Plan and Investment Project Template
Present Plans and Templates to Ministries of Planning, Finance, Water Resources and other stakeholders
Finalize Deliverables
Deliverables Adoption by Ministries
Design curriculum for training workshops on budget strategy and investment project design and evaluation
Obtain approval from relevant agencies for the training outlines Carry out training