Capacity Development of the Department of Land Records and Surveys and Modernization of Cadastral Maps’ Storing, Preserving and Retrieval System, Bangladesh
Department of Land Records and Surveys.
USD 84,343.5
Department of Land Records and Surveys (DLRS) was responsible for the preparation, production and supply of cadastral (Mouza) maps and boundary strip maps. DLRS’s Record maintained all cadastral maps being created through the CS, SA and RS operations since late nineteenth century. At present, there are about 115,000 (one lakh and fifty thousand) Mouza map present, which were originally drawn on P70 sheets (opaque gray paper) measuring about 23”X31”. There were also other maps, being created by DLRS, such as the Thana map, District Map, Country and International boundary strip maps, which were drawn and printed on varying sizes of paper, can be from 23’X31” up to 36”X48” in size. Approximately, there were 3,000 (three thousand) such map sheets available in DLRS Record room. The objective of this assignment was to create a Digital Archive of about 1,15,000 CS, SA and RS mouza map sheets by building a database of map image using high-precision scanning and imaging technology, which was maintained under an appropriately designed and custom-built Digital Cadastral Map Archive Management Software System. The Digital Archive had to be designed in such a way that under this Assignment, it would be established in DLRS Record Room, but later on it could also be deployed to 61 District's Deputy commissioner's Record Rooms, [No e: this Assignment did NOT include the task of deploying the Digital Archive to 61 District's Deputy Commissioner's Record Rooms.] Objective including the tasks were technical specifications, expected output prescribed technology and methodology (where appropriate) were described are as follows:
Development, deployment, maintenance and technical support of Cadastral storing, preserving & retrieval system software [Digital Cadastral Map (Mouza Map) Management Software.
Scanning of Mouza Map Sheets (CS, SA & RS)
Development and Deployment of Digital Cadastral Map (Mouza Map) Archive with the Management Software at DLRS Record Room.