Tranche 2 is concentrated in distribution and supporting transmission development to allow increased power transfer from Ghorasal to Tongi and to increase transmission capability to satisfy the increasing demand in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet areas; also, to improve distribution networks in the Dhaka region to supply increasing demand in the system to ensure no load-shedding due to network constraints by 2018. Tranche 2 consists of three outputs; (i) increased transmission capacity where 230kV and 132kV transmission system is strengthened with 229km of transmission lines and substations with a total capacity of 4,942MVA (ii) increased south Dhaka distribution network capacity with a total of 3010MVA transformer capacity and associated lines added to the distribution network and (iii) increased north Dhaka distribution network capacity with a total of 2,240MVA of transformer capacity and 813 circuit kilometers of associated lines added to the distribution network.